2015 STOP Administrators Meeting
2015 STOP Administrators Meeting in Jacksonville, FL
April 28 - 29, 2015
Thank you for attending the 2015 STOP Administrators Meeting! Your participation in this meeting and in Denim Day, to commemorate Sexual Assault Awareness Month, is captured in OVW's announcement to promote justice and support survivors.
The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), in partnership with the Alliance of Local Service Organizations (ALSO), is pleased to announce the upcoming 2015 STOP Administrators Meeting in Jacksonville, FL on April 28 - 29, 2015.
We look forward to coming together as a community committed to improving responses to violence against women both in the required elements of the STOP Formula Grant Program and as inspired leaders in this field. Our time together in Jacksonville, Florida will provide opportunities to connect with OVW staff, peer-to-peer resources, and TA Providers. In addition, there will be a strong focus on facilitated discussion about the issues that impact administration of the STOP Formula Grant Program. The details below outline logistics for state and territory STOP Administrators planning to attend.
Meeting Details
The full meeting begins for all on Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 no earlier than 8:00 a.m. All meeting participants should arrive no later than Monday, April 27, 2015 and depart no earlier than 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 29, 2015. Please contact Marisol Giraud at [email protected] if you have any questions or changes to the timeframes for your travel. ALSO pays for lodging expenses from your approved arrival time through the end of the STOP Meeting on Wednesday, April 29, 2015. If flight availability prohibits you from leaving Wednesday, April 29, 2015, ALSO will cover your lodging expenses that night as well.
Administrators from U.S. territories will need to arrive before 12:00 pm on Monday, April 27th. The Territories Meeting will begin Monday, April 27, 2015 at 1:00 pm.
Attendance is limited to 1 STOP Administrator per state/territory.
Important Message from OVW- 2015 STOP Administrators Meeting
Air Travel
All flight arrangements must be made through JTB. To book your travel please call this number 1-800-669-5824 and provide the JTB code noted on your registration.
All travel MUST be booked by, Friday, March 6th. Do not book your flight until your state/territory has approved your travel. If you have not received approval from your state/territory by Friday, March 6th, please contact Marisol at [email protected]. Please note your departure date will be different if you are attending the PENDING Women of Color Network STOP Administrators Level II Action Meeting.
Ground Transportation
The Jacksonville Airport is a 20 minute drive to the hotel, and taxi transfers usually run $29.00 each way. Checker Cab is the recommended cab company and can be reached at 904-345-3333. SuperShuttle's reservations can be made ahead of time through the following link http://www.supershuttle.com/default.aspx?GC=D4T78 for a 10% discount. To get to your SuperShuttle service, upon arrival follow the signs to baggage claim, exit outside to baggage claim B, past the double doors to pole #6.
The 2015 STOP Administrators Meeting will be held at the Crowne Plaza Jacksonville Riverfront Hotel, 1201 Riverplace Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32207; ph: 904-398-8800, http://cpjacksonville.com.
Local fare is available at a variety of restaurants in the Jacksonville Landing, located on the Northbank of Downtown Jacksonville, accessible via water taxi or just a cab ride away. Within walking distance is the Southbank of Downtown Jacksonville which offers a variety of lunch, brunch and dinner options.
Rooms will be booked on your behalf. Your room and tax will be covered for the dates you outlined in your registration, in accordance with outlined guidelines (unless otherwise arranged). Attendees will be asked to present a credit card to cover incidental expenses ($30.00) for your stay. If you would like to stay additional nights at the Crowne Plaza Jacksonville Riverfront Hotel, please indicate so in your registration, and notify Marisol Giraud [email protected] once you have booked your flight. Any additional nights will be at your own expense. ALSO cannot guarantee the prevailing government room rate on any extra nights you choose to stay at the hotel, as these rates are subject to hotel availability. However, should this rate be unavailable ALSO will notify you. Please note your departure date will be different if you are attending the PENDING Women of Color Network STOP Administrators Level II Action Meeting.
Meals and the Reimbursement Process
All meals will be reimbursed at 100% of federal per diem rates. Meals on travel days will be reimbursed at 75% of per diem.
Details concerning reimbursement for food and beverage costs, ground transportation, and baggage fees will be sent prior to the meeting.
Casual Gatherings
ALSO will organize casual gatherings for those interested on during Monday, April 27, 2015 and Tuesday, April 28, 2015. Please see registration for additional details.
If you have a disability that requires a Personal Care Attendant (PCA) or Personal Assistant (PA) to accompany you on your travel, please contact Marisol Giraud at 773.235.5705 ext. 25 or [email protected] to discuss other accommodations. Please indicate any other accessibility requests on your registration form.
Every effort will be made to ensure access to this meeting, please allow us sufficient time to meet your request for auxiliary aids and services by responding no later than Friday, March 6, 2015. Please contact ALSO if you need referrals for assistance outside of the meeting. Please contact Marisol Giraud at [email protected] with any questions.
Women of Color Network STOP Administrators Meeting
If you are planning on attending the WOCN Level Two Action Meeting following the STOP Meeting, DO NOT BOOK your travel at this time. Please let Marisol Giraud know you will be attending at [email protected]. Additional details will follow.
Find additional details about content and travel for the WOCN STOP Administrators Meeting here.