ALSO actively works to promote safe neighborhoods and prevent community violence.
Using an effective combination of evidence-based practices and lived experience, ALSO outreach workers and violence interrupters intervene to prevent escalating street conflict including shootings, and homicides resulting in acts of community or family violence. ALSO staff work directly with in-risk individuals to de-escalate tension and prevent tragic outcomes.
As part of these efforts, ALSO staff build positive relationships with community stakeholders including businesses, faith leaders, schools, community-based programs, residents, and in-risk* youth. Outreach workers and violence interrupters simultaneously to engage in norm-shifting efforts through deep mentorship, meeting young people where they are at, and by modeling safe choices, healthy masculinity, and responsible fatherhood to improve outcomes and opportunities.
Communities Partnering 4 Peace
ALSO partners with Communities Partnering 4 Peace (CP4P) which is an effort to reduce violence and gang activity among individuals and communities we serve. This effort is rooted in trauma-informed care, collaboration, and restorative justice practices. Click here for more information.
If you'd like to learn more or are in need of services, please email us at [email protected].
To learn more about ALSO's work in the community as a restorative justice hub click here.
Our violence-prevention efforts in the streets are currently funded by the Cook County Justice Advisory Council. Learn more.
*In-risk: risk factors have already resulted in adverse effects, versus at-risk which suggests the potential for future harm. To learn more about "People in-Risk", click here.