ALSO's Legal Outreach, Information and Assistance Project serves, works in partnership with and on behalf of clients and community members to offer legal information, assistance, and options for legal services and representation in furtherance of holistic, client identified goals. We are dedicated to relentelessly seeking justice, and race and gender equality. ALSO's Policy Team oversees the administration of the Legal Outreach, Information and Assistance Project. For more information, email the LOIA team at [email protected].
Civil Legal Information to the Public:
This project offers in-person and remote legal information on Family and Domestic Violence law, immigration, and Individual Rights to the communities that ALSO serves in partnership with Greater Chicago Legal Clinic through written resources, guides, social media, in-person events and assistance. Check out our social media accounts for updates on Attorney Office Hours, where community members can receive a FREE 30 minute consultation to ask our partnering attorney any questions.
Illinois Access 2 Justice:
This project seeks to remove barriers to employment through driver's license reinstatment, credit literacy and credit repair. In collaboration with our legal partners for this program, the Chicago Community Justice Foundation, ALSO's LOIA project offers information, consultation, assistance, and accompaniment on driver's license reinstatement and credit repair/rebuilding for the communities that ALSO serves. This project is funded by the statewide Illinois Access to Justice program through the Westside Justice Center.