Save the Date: Consolidated Youth Winter 2016 Institute

“Learning from Each Other: Sharing Grantee Successes”
December 15-16, 2016
San Diego, California

The Consolidated Youth Winter 2016 institute will center the successes and knowledge gained by Consolidated Youth grantees throughout the course of their grant programs. Through shared learning that is co-facilitated by current grantees, participants will collaboratively reflect and strategize about topics related to the development, implementation, and sustainability of grant programming. Topics will include:

  • Developing and enhancing the relationships needed to end violence in grantee communities
  • Community-centered program design and implementation
  • Developing and implementing engagement strategies within grantee communities (including local relationships, youth partnerships, and sub-grantee contractors)
  • Evaluation strategies and practices
  • A discussion on the concept of redefining safety 

DATES:  Pending OVW approval, this institute is slated for December 15-16, 2016.

LOCATION: Pending OVW approval this institute will be hosted in San Diego, CA.


Among the staff and partners in attendance we ask that the roles of those participating include one decision maker (senior leader) and someone involved in program development and implementation.


Please save the date and begin identifying up to 2 adult attendees. Additional attendees will require approval from the TA Team and OVW. Registration details are forthcoming. Please do not book travel until instructed to do so by the TA Team. Limited spots are being held for FY13 grantees who may have requested no-cost extensions. FY13 grantees should not book travel until their attendance is approved by the TA Team.


The Learning from Each Other: Sharing Grantee Successes institute aims to center the input and lived experiences of youth in their communities. For this reason, a small amount of registration slots are being held for youth participants. We encourage grantees to bring a young person from your community, ages 14-24. If your agency needs assistance obtaining permission to bring a young person, please reach out to [email protected] for any guidance needed and/or to determine appropriateness of fit for the young person you’d like to bring.

This project is supported by Grant No. 2015-TA-AX-K013 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. Points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.

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