2019 Underserved Grantee Orientation

2019 Underserved Grantee Orientation
December 10-12, 2019
New Orleans, Louisiana

Grantee Orientation Overview
This two-and-a-half-day orientation for select 2018 grantees and newly awarded 2019 grantees will provide participants with a mix of programmatic and administrative content pertinent to the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) Outreach and Services to Underserved Populations Grant Program. Grant administration focused sessions will include grant progress reporting presented by the Muskie School, OVW’s Grant Financial Management Division (GFMD) Q&A session on financial grant management tailored to the Underserved Program, and grant management sessions presented by your OVW Program Manager, Kara Moller. Programmatic topics will include assessing needs during the planning period, how to prevent and respond to the impacts of trauma in grantee programs, peer to peer learning opportunities focusing on promising practices for developing and implementing sexual assault services, as well as structured time for programmatic action planning with grant teams and Underserved TA Provider ALSO.  


Who should attend?
Grantees are required to send two (2) people from their grant team to the Orientation.The registration form should be completed by ALL individual(s) in your organization/partnership who will be attending.  

Please consider sending a combination of (a) significant MOU (memorandum of understanding) partner(s), (b) the grant oversight individual, and/or (c) the direct front line/implementation individual. NOTE: If more than 2 people from your grant team (attendance includes MOU organizations) register for the conference, their name(s) will be placed on a waiting list until further information can be provided.  

Dates and Location
December 10-12, 2019
New Orleans, Louisiana
Grantees are approved to make travel arrangements at this time. 

You can find additional details here:

You must be an Underserved Grantee with a password to access these pages. If you need assistance with accessing these pages, please reach out to [email protected].

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