2017 STOP Administrators Meeting

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2017 STOP mtg logo

Tucson, Arizona
March 28-29, 2017

The U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), in partnership with the Alliance of Local Service Organizations (ALSO), is pleased to announce the 2017 STOP Administrators Meeting in Tucson, Arizona on March 28-29, 2017.

We look forward to coming together as a community committed to improving responses to violence both in the required elements of the STOP formula grant program and as inspired leaders in this field. The 2017 STOP Administrators Meeting will provide opportunities to share promising practices, provide peer to peer learning opportunities, and hear from federal and technical assistance partners. This meeting will take place at the Tucson University Park Hotel, 880 East Second Street, Tucson, Arizona, 85719, Ph: 520-792-4100.

Please note that registration will close at COB Tuesday, January 17, 2017. You may register even if you have not yet received travel approval from your state or territory agency to attend. However, you must wait for your territory or state’s approval to book your flights. Participants at this meeting will be covering their expenses. For the 2017 STOP meeting, a limited number of slots are available for States/Territories to send two STOP Administrator representatives. Registration for a second STOP Administrator is on a first come first serve basis.

The details in the table below outline logistics for state and territory STOP Administrators planning to attend. We encourage attendees to engage in social media during the meeting. The hashtag for the meeting is #2017STOPAdminMtg. For more meeting information, please contact ALSO STAAR Project at [email protected]

  • Meeting Details
  • Accessibility
  • Travel Arrangements
  • Transportation
  • Lodging
  • Travel Per Diem
  • Travel Assistance Application
  • Casual Gathering Details
The full meeting begins for all on Tuesday, March 28, 2017 no earlier than 8:30 a.m. All meeting participants should arrive no later than Monday, March 27, 2017 and depart no earlier than 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 29, 2017. You will be responsible for all costs related to your attendance to this meeting from your approved arrival time through the end of the STOP Meeting on Wednesday, March 29, 2017. If flight availability prohibits you from leaving Wednesday, March 29, 2017, additional lodging can be reserved to accommodate this special circumstance at your own expense.

We recognize that those traveling long distances may have limited flight options requiring travel extensions to fully participate in the meeting. Additional lodging days can be reserved to accommodate these special circumstances at your own expense. If you are traveling from a U.S. Territory, you will need to arrive before 12:00 pm on Monday, March 27, 2017. The Territories Meeting will begin Monday, March 27, 2017 at 1:00 pm.

Program Manager Meetings Update: Program Managers will be reaching out to all administrators who requested meetings to address any needs or questions in advance of the 2017 STOP Administrators Meeting. Unfortunately there isn't enough time to accommodate onsite meetings for the high number of administrators who requested them. There will also be ways to connect with Program Managers and meeting attendees onsite. Check at the registration desk for more details. 

We value access and safety and strive to make our meetings accessible and welcoming to all participants.

If you have a disability that requires a Personal Care Attendant (PCA) or Personal Assistant (PA) accompany you on your travel, please contact Marisol Giraud at 773-235- 5705, extension 25 or [email protected] to discuss accommodations.

Every effort will be made to ensure access to this meeting, please allow us sufficient time to meet your request for auxiliary aids and services by responding no later than, January 17, 2017. Please contact us if you need referrals for assistance outside of the meeting. Please contact Marisol Giraud at [email protected] with any questions.

It is recommended that airfare is booked by, Tuesday, February 28th. DO NOT book your flight until your state/territory has approved your travel. If you will not have approval by Tuesday, February 28th, please contact Marisol Giraud at [email protected].
Tucson International Airport is a 25 minute drive to the hotel. Taxi transfers can cost approximately $30.00-$50.00 each way, depending on traffic. Additional information on taxi services can be found through the following link: https://www.flytucson.com/transportation/taxis/. Shuttle services can be provided by Arizona Stagecoach. Approximate cost per trip is $26, and round trip is $48. Arizona Stagecoach's reservations can be made ahead of time through the following link: https://azstagecoach.hudsonltd.net/res or (520) 889-1000. Arizona Stagecoach is available for each arriving flight. The company's counter is located in the center of the baggage claim area on the lower level. The Tucson Airport Authority is in an agreement with Lyft so arriving passengers can order a car from the company’s mobile app and take it straight from the airport. Lyft will be able to pick-up passengers from a designated area. Please download the Lyft application as needed.
The 2017 STOP Administrators Meeting will be held at the Tucson University Park Hotel, 880 East Second Street, Tucson, AZ, 85719-4838 ph: 520-792-4100. The hotel is 25 minutes away from Tucson International Airport and is adjacent to the beautiful campus of the University of Arizona in the heart of Tucson. Onsite you have the Saguaro Grill open for breakfast, lunch, dinner and the Sedona Lounge. Within walking distance there are a variety of other options such as Pasco Kitchen & Lounge, Red’s Smokehouse and Tap Room, The Fix, Saigon Pho Vietnamese Noodles, Silver Mine Subs, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Eat A Pita, Jimmy Johns, Starbucks, Paradise Bakery, Fuku Sushi, Kababeque Indian Grill and a CVS store. The room block name is 2017 STOP Administrators Meeting. Participants attending the 2017 STOP Administrators Meeting on March 28-29, 2017 will be covering their room cost for attendance. The hotel reservation deadline is Friday, March 10, 2017. Your daily lodging fee will be in the amount of $91 x 12.05% Arizona tax + $4 occupancy fee for a total nightly rate of $105.96.

Please select your lodging dates and proceed with the credit card booking process. Your credit card will only be used to hold your reservation and charges will not take place until your arrival date. You may also switch out the credit card used to hold your reservation on site. Upon check in you will be asked to present a credit card to cover your incidental expenses ($26.00 per day) along with the room fee. If you cannot make your lodging arrangements by March 10th, please notify Marisol Giraud at [email protected]. Any additional nights will be at your own expense. ALSO cannot guarantee the prevailing government room rate on any extra nights you choose to stay at the hotel, as these rates are subject to hotel availability.

The federal per diem rate is $59. Travel days will be at 75% of the per diem for a total rate of $44.25. Participants will be covering their cost attendance to the 2017 STOP Administrators Meeting.
There is a limited amount of travel assistance available for STOP Administrators. Requests will be granted on a case-by-case basis for up to five STOP Administrators who can demonstrate they are not able to cover costs with existing OVW funds. The following outlined expenses may in part or in full be covered for attendance to the 2017 STOP Administrators Meeting: Hotel lodging for the approved dates, airfare, ground transportation to and from the airport, parking in your home state/territory airport, mileage in your home state to and from the airport, and the daily government approved per-diem on a case by case basis. To apply, please complete the Travel Assistance Application section on registration. Registration for travel assistance will close on TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2017 @ COB CENTRAL TIME. You will be notified by FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2017 whether your application has been approved.
Bar Wilko is a rustic-chic gastro pub serving up eclectic cuisine. The venue is located at 943 E University Blvd, Tucson, AZ. The casual gathering will take place on Monday, March 27th from 4 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. For those who are interested in attending, we will meet in the hotel lobby at 4:00 p.m. to walk over. A second group will depart the lobby at 4:20 p.m.

This project is supported by 2015-TA-AX-K017 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed on this page are those of ALSO and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Justice,
Office on Violence Against Women.
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